University of Nottingham Malaysia
Faculty of Science

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Dr Tahir Ansari from the School of Pharmacy invited to speak at international webinars

Dr Tahir Ansari from the School of Pharmacy invited to speak at international webinars
Dr Mohammed Tahir Ansari, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham Malaysia's School of Pharmacy was recently invited to share his knowledge at a few online seminars.

UNM Academic Presenting at Webinar on Recent Trends in Food Processing Technologies

UNM Academic Presenting at Webinar on Recent Trends in Food Processing Technologies
Professor Asgar Ali from School of Bioscience at the University of Nottingham Malaysia was recently invited by the Bihar Agricultural University in India to be a guest speaker on a webinar. The webinar, which will be held via Zoom on 20 July 2020, will discuss the Recent Trends in Processing Technologies for Food Quality and Safety.

Celebrating our women of the future

Celebrating our women of the future
UNM researcher Dr Siu Yee New has received a special commendation as one of the most successful young women in SE Asia at the Women of the Future Awards South East Asia, in their virtual ceremony held on 25th June 2020.

Ensuring the peaceful coexistence of humans and elephants

Ensuring the peaceful coexistence of humans and elephants
As today is World Environment Day, the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) would like to pay tribute to the conservation of wild elephants, a significant research conducted by the University of Nottingham Malaysia.

New FASS Dean at University of Nottingham Malaysia

New FASS Dean at University of Nottingham Malaysia
Dr Jason Pandya-Wood has been appointed as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM). Dr Pandya-Wood has taken over from Professor Chung-Lim Law, who was the interim Dean of FASS since November 2019.

Belt and Road's Financiers fall short of biodiversity best practice

Belt and Road's Financiers fall short of biodiversity best practice
New research has found that not enough is being done by financiers of China's Belt and Road Initiative to put in place safeguards to protect critical wildlife habitats.

Harnessing nature to restore riverbanks in Malaysia

Harnessing nature to restore riverbanks in Malaysia
Researchers from the University of Nottingham in Malaysia have completed the first phase of a riverbank restoration project in Sarawak that uses natural materials. The project is being undertaken in partnership with WWF-Malaysia, aims to protect and restore eroding banks along the River Trusan using natural materials, as well as introducing a range of other ecologically-based measures to avoid flooding and erosion in the future.

University community pulls together to support community

University community pulls together to support community
Staff, students and alumni from the University of Nottingham Malaysia have been channelling their knowledge and expertise into supporting local communities and frontliners being affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Ministry of Education recognises University of Nottingham Malaysia's research excellence

Ministry of Education recognises University of Nottingham Malaysia's research excellence
Ministry of Education's (MOE) Department of Higher Education (Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi) confirmed renewal of our MyRA® 5-star research rating on 16 March 2020. The 5-star rating confirms the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) as one of the highest rated international universities in Malaysia.

Researchers develop tool to manage conflict with Asian elephants

Researchers develop tool to manage conflict with Asian elephants
A joint wild elephant research project between the University of Nottingham Malaysia and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (PERHILITAN) in Peninsular Malaysia, has been providing capacity building to SDP staff in developing evidence-based approaches to support the plantation's decision-making and management of conflict.

Woman wildlife scientist at University of Nottingham Malaysia

Woman wildlife scientist at University of Nottingham Malaysia
Dr Wong Ee Phin, an alumnus and an Assistant Professor of the University of Nottingham Malaysia is the principal investigator of a project entitled Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME).

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Celebrates 20th Anniversary

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) open its doors in 2000 and this year the University celebrates its 20th anniversary. A soft launch was held on campus for members of the Leadership Management Forum and Student Association Executives on 20 February to also coincide with that catchphrase of (20-02-20).
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Faculty of Science

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