Researcher Development Programme
The Researcher Development Programme
Researcher Development courses are free for all postgraduate researchers and taught students as well as early career researchers. To subscribe, kindly follow these
Our training courses guide shows which courses are most relevant for you in terms of where you are in your programme of study. The courses vary in length and format, from one hour seminars to online courses that you can complete or use as an information resource in your own time.
The Researcher Development Framework
All of the Graduate School's training provision for researchers is mapped against Vitae's Researcher Development Framework (RDF).
Researcher Development Framework (RDF) developed by Vitae describes the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researhers.
The RDF is made up of 63 descriptors, structured in four domains and twelwe sub-domains.The RDF helps researchers to:
- explore all the aspects of being a researcher
- identify their strengths
- prioritise areas for professional development
- write a plan, then monitor progress and success
- have productive discussions with others, e.g. supervisors, priciple investigators, careers advisors or other professional development providers
- look for formal and informal development opportunities
- prepare for one-to-one progress reviews, appraisals or career development conversations with supervisors, research managers or mentors
Vitae is the UK organisation championing the personal, professional and career development of doctoral researchers and research staff in higher education.