University of Nottingham Malaysia
Department of
Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

Image of Maxine Swee Li Yee

Maxine Swee Li Yee

Assistant Professor,



Maxine Yee is a materials engineer/scientist with research interest in nanoscience technology and advanced materials. She completed her B. Eng (Materials) and M. Tech (Materials Science) from University of Malaya (UM), and PhD (Advanced Materials) in 2018 from University of Nottingham Malaysia. Her passion for engineering education was fostered from working with young adults since 2004 in both the public and private higher education and public sectors in Malaysia and the United States.

Expertise Summary

Dr. Yee's research is focused in the area of advanced materials and nanoscience technology with applications towards coatings with effective antifouling and anticorrosion properties. Her research interest also includes advancing the use of nanotechnology for biomedical applications. She is also collaborating with industrial partners in materials failure analysis investigations.

Teaching Summary

Engineering Materials; Corrosion Prevention and Protection; Algebra; Differential Calculus; Research Methods; Study Skills for Engineers.

Research Summary

Influence of nanoscale topography on bactericidal efficiency of 3D-printed surfaces

Impact of microplastics and nanoplastics on human health

Development of polymeric-MSNP composite carrier for targeted treatment of pancreatic cancers

Antifouling and anticorrosive properties of 2D-based materials

Graphene-based ternary electrode for nonenzymatic glucose sensing

Selected Publications

Past Research

Silver-based nanocomposite materials for marine antifouling applications

The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8001

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