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Educational Inequalities in Sri Lanka: National Data and Local Perspectives on Access, Quality and Learning Outcomes Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma

A study co-authored by Nottingham University Business School Malaysia's academic Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma (Director of Undergraduate Programmes), Stefanie Licht (GIZ), and Tushani Kalugalagedara (CEPA), Titled 'Poverty in Sri Lanka' shows educational Inequality in Sri Lanka: National Data and Local Perspectives on Access, Quality and Learning Outcomes was launched at an open forum event by the Sri Lankan think tank CEPA on Tuesday 12 February 2019. CEPA - The Centre for Poverty Analysis is an independent Sri Lankan think-tank promoting a better understanding of poverty-related development issues. GIZ - The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH is a German Development Agency.

Inclusive education in ASEAN countries: how to support children with disabilities in schools Dr Wong Tze Peng

This policy briefly provides recommendations to enable equal participation in education among children with disabilities in ASEAN countries. It specifically calls for governments and schools to adopt inclusive education recommendations which incorporates the teacher training of inclusive principles, the allocation of funding to build relevant infrastructure and the development of new curriculum.

The UK and the Belt and Road Initiative: Interview with Ben Barton, University of Nottingham Dr Benjamin Barton

This interview discusses the need for the British government to consider developing its own ‘Belt-and-Road Initiative’ strategy in the new post-Brexit era. 

The United Kingdom’s Belt and Road Initiative strategy after Brexit Dr Benjamin Barton

The policy brief discusses the importance for the British government to consider developing its own Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) strategy in light of the new post-Brexit reality it is confronted with.

An 'uncreative' creative industries policy Dr Thomas Barker

In response to recent government measures to kick-start the creative industries in Malaysia, we look at the policy environment for the creative industries at a national level and previous funding programs. We investigate their flaws and discuss how the new programs are funding orientated without attention to broader structural and institutional problems. We note how digital is becoming synonymous with creative in many instances.

Consider This: COVID-19 - Will Higher Education Adapt? Dr Thomas Barker

On 15 April, Thomas Barker appeared on Astro Awani “Consider This” talking about the challenges that this pandemic is posing for universities and other institutions of higher learning. Thomas discussed both the impact on the higher education sector internationally as well as here in Malaysia and the ways universities and students can cope with the disruption and possible depression. 


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