Academic Showcase
Educational Inequalities in Sri Lanka: National Data and Local Perspectives on Access, Quality and Learning Outcomes - Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma
A study co-authored by Nottingham University Business School Malaysia's academic Dr Vengadeshvaran Sarma (Director of Undergraduate Programmes), Stefanie Licht (GIZ), and Tushani Kalugalagedara (CEPA), Titled 'Poverty in Sri Lanka' shows educational Inequality in Sri Lanka: National Data and Local Perspectives on Access, Quality and Learning Outcomes was launched at an open forum event by the Sri Lankan think tank CEPA on Tuesday 12 February 2019.
CEPA - The Centre for Poverty Analysis is an independent Sri Lankan think-tank promoting a better understanding of poverty-related development issues.
GIZ - The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH is a German Development Agency.
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Full details
Sri Lanka has a history of educational policies driven towards providing universal access to education. However, universal access to a quality education remains a challenge. Recognising that schooling is not necessarily the same as learning, this study analyses the extent of educational inequality in Sri Lanka in terms of access, quality and learning outcomes while investigating contributing factors. It focuses on secondary education in the public schooling system.
View the Facebook post and website to find out more about the forum.