University of Nottingham Malaysia

Research in the School of Politics, History and International Relations

Politics History and International Relations Research Jump to courses

Opened in September 2010, the School of Politics, History and International Relations (PHIR) provides the University with a unique research-hub in the fields of political science, international relations (IR) and history, located in one of the politically most dynamic regions of the world. The principal focus of our activity lies in the provision of graduate-level teaching, doctoral and post-doctoral research and interacting with governments, civil society bodies and international organisations located in Malaysia and the region.

Research in politics, history and international relations 

Research collaboration is promoted through The University of Nottingham’s Research Priority Groups - principally the Integrating Global Society and the Science, Technology and Society groups - and through staff and student membership of our sub-discipline, tri-campus research centres:

  • Institute for Asia Pacific Studies
  • Centre for Conflict, Security and Terrorism
  • Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice
  • Centre for the Study of European Governance 

Academics and research staff in the School of Politics, History and International Relations are currently conducting research in the following areas.

  • global economic integration
  • terrorism and extremism in South East Asia
  • global environmental policy formation
  • contemporary international history
  • diplomatic studies and mediation
  • the politics of life
  • humanitarian diplomacy
  • Southeast Asia: politics, society and international relations
Research students are eligible to apply for funding to attend

national and international conferences and to cover research costs, travel and other incidentals.

Find out more about our taught courses

The research in politics, history and international relations postgraduate course at UNM is dedicated to advancing knowledge, fostering critical inquiry, and addressing real-world challenges. 

We are committed to developing students with a strong grasp of the world’s political, historical, and international complexities. Join us today to change the world for the better.



What is international relations, politics and history? 

International relations is the study of interactions between sovereign states, global organisations, and non-state entities concerning global issues, diplomacy, security and cooperation on an international scale. 

Politics examines governance, power dynamics, political systems, policies, and decision-making processes within local, national, and international societies. 

History is the analysis of past events, societies, cultures, and their impact on shaping the present and future. This is accomplished through the study and interpretation of historical records and artefacts.

What is the relationship between history and international relations? 

The relationship between history and international relations can be seen in the following ways:

  • History provides the backdrop for understanding international relations. It provides contacts and shapes geopolitical landscapes. 

  • Historical events influence diplomatic relations, foreign policy decisions, global conflicts, or collaboration among nations. 

  • Studying history helps us learn from past mistakes and successes. It offers insights for addressing contemporary issues. 

  • History reveals how international systems develop. This helps us to understand the current global dynamics and governance structures.

What types of research are conducted in politics, history, and international relations? 

Research in these fields covers a wide range of topics, such as political systems and institutions, historical events and eras, diplomatic relations, global governance, conflict studies, social movements, policy analysis, human rights, and international cooperation. 

How do UNM’s researchers collaborate across borders in politics, history and international relations? 

Collaboration often occurs through joint research projects, academic exchange programmes, collaborative publications, and partnerships between universities, research institutions and international organisations. We hope to make a global impact by fostering a global exchange of ideas and perspectives. 

What career opportunities are available for individuals with a research in politics, history and international relations background? 

Graduates of UNM’s Politics, History Development and International Relations PhD can pursue careers in academia, research institutions, government and non-government organisations, international agencies, think tanks, journalism, policy analysis, diplomacy, advocacy, and consulting roles. They are highly sought after due to their expertise in critical analysis, research, and communication. 

Are there any financial aid or scholarships for students conducting research in politics, history and international relations at UNM? 

Yes, UNM offers scholarships, grants and other financial aid to outstanding students. 






School of Politics, History and International Relations
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Jalan Broga,
43500 Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
t:  +6 (03) 8924 8000 
f:   +6 (03) 8924 8005
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University of Nottingham Malaysia

Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

University of Nottingham Malaysia DULN001(B)

telephone: +6 03 8924 8000
fax: +6 03 8924 8005

course enquiries: +6 03 8924 8686
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm (Except on public holidays)

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