University of Nottingham Malaysia

Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

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The MSc Mechanical Engineering programme offers you the opportunity to study advanced topics in mechanical engineering, covering engineering science, designand technology. From a broad base, it builds on our key research and academic strengths and concludes with an individual project in the summer term. You will develop the skills to solve problems using both logic and creative/innovative approaches, excellent numerate, computer and analytical skills, the ability to plan, prioritise and work to deadlines under pressure and the ability to communicate with others.

Why study a Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering postgraduate course at the University of Nottingham Malaysia?

The field of Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering is ever-evolving, with innovations shaping the future of industries. 

  • World-class faculty: Learn from a team of internationally recognised experts who bring a wealth of research and industry experience to the classroom.

  • State-of-the-art facilities: Our advanced labs and workshops provide hands-on experience with the latest tools and technologies.

  • Industry collaborations: Engage in real-world projects with leading engineering firms, gaining practical insights and building valuable networks.

  • Holistic curriculum: Our courses blend theoretical knowledge with practical skills, ensuring you're industry-ready upon graduation.

  • Global perspective: With links to our UK and China campuses, you'll gain a global understanding of engineering challenges and solutions.

Career prospects

Graduates from the Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Manufacturing Engineering at UNM are highly sought after in various sectors. Potential career paths after completing your mechanical engineering masters, mechanical engineering MSc or PhD engineering include:

  • Mechanical Engineer

  • Materials Scientist

  • Manufacturing Engineer

  • Aerospace Engineer

  • Robotics Engineer

  • Product Development Engineer

  • Energy Engineer

  • Automotive Engineer




Are there internship opportunities as part of the course?

Yes, we have collaborations with various engineering firms, providing students with internship opportunities to gain practical experience.

How do the courses stay updated with the latest engineering trends and technologies?

Our faculty is actively involved in research and industry collaborations, ensuring that our curriculum is updated with the latest developments.

Is there an opportunity for interdisciplinary projects or collaborations?

Yes. At UNM, we encourage interdisciplinary projects and have collaborations with other departments within the university.

What kind of support is available for student projects and innovations?

The department provides mentorship, resources, and even funding opportunities for promising student projects and innovations.

How is the balance between theoretical and practical learning in the courses?

At UNM, our courses are designed to provide a balanced approach, with a mix of theoretical lectures, practical labs, workshops, and real-world projects to ensure comprehensive learning.

Are there opportunities for international exchanges or study abroad programmes?

Yes, with links to our UK and China campuses, students have opportunities for international exchanges, gaining a global perspective on engineering education.

What software or technical tools will I be exposed to during the course?

Students will work with various industry-standard software tools related to CAD (Computer-Aided Design), CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing), simulation, and more.

Are scholarships available for postgraduate students?

Yes, various research grants and scholarships are available. Students are encouraged to discuss these opportunities with their supervisors.

Are there any collaborative projects with other departments or faculties?

Yes. UNM believes in interdisciplinary learning and often has collaborative projects with departments like Electronics, Computer Science, and Business.



Department of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 
43500 Semenyih,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

t:  +6 (03) 8924 8000  
f:  +6 (03) 8924 8005 

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University of Nottingham Malaysia

Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

University of Nottingham Malaysia DULN001(B)

telephone: +6 03 8924 8000
fax: +6 03 8924 8005

course enquiries: +6 03 8924 8686
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm (Except on public holidays)

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