Teaching Summary
Involved in teaching chemistry modules for Foundation in Science students:
SCIF F029: Chemistry 3 (Module convenor)
SCIF F027: Chemistry 1
Research Summary
Natural product chemistry
My major research interest focuses on discovery of novel natural products from plants, particularly alkaloids and triterpenoids, which possess interesting biological activities. The common activities involved in my research include extraction of plant material, chromatographic isolation of compounds, NMR structure elucidation, chemical modification of natural products, and biological evaluation of pure compounds and derivatives. The various analytical/separation tools employed in my research include NMR, high resolution MS, FT-IR, UV-vis, single crystal X-ray crystallography, circular dichroism, and various chromatographic techniques.
Past Research
1. Krishnan, P., Lee, F.K., Chong, K.W., Mai, C.W., Muhamad, A., Lim, S.H., Low, Y.Y., Ting, K.N., Lim, K.H., 2018. Alstoscholactine and Alstolaxepine, Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids with γ-Lactone-Bridged Cycloheptane and Oxepane Moieties from Alstonia scholaris. Organic Letters doi:10.1021/acs.orglett.8b03592
2. Krishnan, P., Mai, C.-W., Yong, K.-T., Low, Y.-Y., Lim, K.-H., 2019. Alstobrogaline, an unusual pentacyclic monoterpenoid indole alkaloid with aldimine and aldimine-N-oxide moieties from Alstonia scholaris. Tetrahedron Letters doi:10.1016/J.TETLET.2019.02.018
3. Ezeoke, M.C., Krishnan, P., Sim, D.S.-Y., Lim, S.-H., Low, Y.-Y., Chong, K.-W., Lim, K.-H., 2018. Unusual phenethylamine-containing alkaloids from Elaeocarpus tectorius. Phytochemistry 146, 75-81. doi:10.1016/j.phytochem.2017.12.003
4. Al-Khdhairawi, A.A.Q., Krishnan, P., Mai, C.W., Chung, F.F.L., Leong, C.O., Yong, K.T., Chong, K.W., Low, Y.Y., Kam, T.S., Lim, K.H., 2017. A Bis-benzopyrroloisoquinoline Alkaloid Incorporating a Cyclobutane Core and a Chlorophenanthroindolizidine Alkaloid with Cytotoxic Activity from Ficus fistulosa var. tengerensis. Journal of Natural Products 80, 2734-2740. doi:10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00500
5. Chan, Z.Y., Govindaraju, K., Krishnan, P., Low, Y.Y., Chong, K.W., Yong, K.T., Ting, K.N., Lim, K.H., 2019. Diphenethylpiperidine alkaloids with tracheal smooth muscle relaxation activity from Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G. Don. Phytochemistry Letters doi:10.1016/j.phytol.2019.01.035