Expertise Summary
Areas of Research:
Postcolonial Literature; Literature of the Indian Diaspora; Malaysian Literature in English; Creative Writing; Contemplative Pedagogy.
I welcome PhD proposals in the following research areas:
Malaysian Literature in English; Creative Writing; Postcolonial Literature; Literature of the Indian Diaspora
Teaching Summary
I currently teach the following modules:
Undergraduate Modules
Academic Community
The Survey of English Literature and Drama
Advanced Writing Practice
Malaysian Literature in English
Postgraduate Modules
Fiction: Form and Context
Literature and Modernity
Creative Writing Conventions and Techniques
Research Summary
I am currently working on a collection of creative non-fiction essays, and a collection of poems.
I am also conducting research in contemplative pedagogy. This field, which found its early roots in American academia, is particularly new in the Malaysian context. It involves the use of contemplative practices from a range of both secular and wisdom traditions from a range of backgrounds, in the higher education classroom. These practices include heightened 'looking', mindfulness, and contemplative inquiry.