JAYAMALATHI. J, MAGISWARY, D. and MANIAM, K., 2024. Thriving in Scarcity: Harnessing Intellectual Capital for Open Frugal Innovation. Journal of Open Innovation, Technology market and Complexity. 10(3), 1-10 SIM, S.C., MOHAN, A.V., KALIANNAN, M., VINAYAN, G. and HARIKIRISHNAN, D, 2023. Benchmarking HR outsourcing literature: a critical literature review. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IIJLIC). 20(1), 91-122 AHMAD, M., MUTUM, D. and KALIANNAN, M, 2023. Authentic leadership in a bureaucratic environment: A qualitative study Journal of General Management. 13, NORFADHILLATON Z. and MANIAM, K., 2022. Antecedents of Work
Engagement in the Public
Sector: A Systematic
Literature Review Review of Public Personnel Administration. 1-26 MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D., DARSHANA, D. and TEK, Y.W., 2022. Rethinking Talent Management Strategies in
Malaysia’s Tourism Sector Post COVID-19 ASM Science Journal. 17, MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D., DARSHANA, D. and PATRICIA, ODP, 2022. Talent development towards an inclusive equitable
society: a dearth of knowledge International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 19(2), 123-134 MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D. and ADRIAN, SWJ, 2019. Talent quotient and youth employment: finding the strategic fit. International Journal of Recent Advances in organizational Behaviour and Decision Making. 5(1), 1216-1232
MANIAM, K., 2018. Decision-making approach to employee selection: achieving strategic person-job-organization fit. In: Management Strategies and Technology Fluidity in the Asian Business Sector IGI Global. 27-64
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R. and MANIAM, K., 2017. Integrated community emergency and awareness system: A knowledge management system for disaster support Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 121, 139-167 RAMACHANDRAN, R. and MANIAM, K., 2016. Capability Determinants of ICT User Segments: Larger Corporations Perspective In: ICEGOV 2016; Montevideo, Uruguay..
SIM, S. C., AVVARI, M. and KALIANNAN, M., 2016. HR Outsourcing Trends in Malaysia: The Undetected Tiger Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. 9(2), KALIANNAN, M., YI, C.M. and DE PABLOS, P.O, 2016. An appraisal of the impact of organizational career management practices across generations from a Malaysian oil and gas industry perspective International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 13(4), 361-375
MANIAM, K., MATHEW, A. and VANITHA, P., 2016. Effective talent management in Malaysian SMEs: A proposed framework The Journal of Developing Areas. 50(5), 393-401 KALIANNAN, M. and DORASAMY, M., 2016. Exploring the application of human resource management bundles: a case study Advanced Science Letters. 22(5/6), 1192-1196 DORASAMY, M., ALAWANTHAN, D., KALIANNAN, M. and RAMAN, M, 2016. Modeling civic networks for innovative design of a disaster response system: a proposed framework Advanced Science Letters. 22(5/6), 1240-1243 MANIAM, K. and SAMUEL, N.A., 2015. Effective Employee Engagement and Organizational Success: A Case Study Social and Behavioral Sciences. 72(-), 161-168 FADILAH, P., MANIAM, K. and NAFIS, A., 2015. Learning Through Peers: A System Theory Approach. Social and Behavioral Sciences. 172(-), 88-95 KALIANNAN, M. and ADJOVU, S.A., 2015. Winning the Talent War via Effective Employee Engagement: A Case Study. Journal of Business and Financial Affairs. 132(3), 1-7 ABRAHAM, M., KALIANNAN, M., MOHAN, A.V. and THOMAS, S., 2015. A review Of SMEs recruitment and selection dilemma: Finding a ‘FIT’. The Journal of Developing Areas. 49(5), 335-342 MANIAM, K. and MUTHULETCHUMI, L., 2015. Pay for Performance: strategic HR tool to enhance employee work performance Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review. 11(2), 16
FADILAH, P., MANIAM, K. and NAFIS, A., 2015. Does Informal Learning Promote Professional Competency? Evidence from Malaysian Service-based Industry Advanced Science Letters. 21, 1444-1447
MANIAM, K. and SHANMUGA, P., 2015. Recruitment Practices in Malaysian Knowledge Intensive Start-ups Canadian Social Science. 11(7), 105-110 MANIAM, K., 2015. Chapter 8. In: RAMACHANDRAN, R., ed., ICT Strategic Review 2015/2016: Reinventing Leadership in the Digital Age: Smart Governance towards Changing the Landscape of the Malaysian Public Sector Rea Konsep Sdn Bhd, PIKOM Malaysia. 117-132
ARMAN KULCHMANOV and MANIAM, K., 2014. Does money motivate employees?
Empirical study of private and public financial sector in Kazakhstan International Journal of Business and Management. 9(11), 214-223 MAGISWARY, D., MANIAM, K. and MURALI, R., 2014. Evaluating CEMAS in Simulated Environment: Information Systems to Support Disaster Management Challenges In: 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Management (ISCRAM 2014), 18-22 May, 2014, Pennsylvania, USA.
MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and MAGISWARY, D., 2014. Web-based Community Disaster Management and Awareness System in Malaysia. In: 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Management (ISCRAM 2014), 18-22 May 2014, Pennsylvania, USA.
FADILAH, P., MANIAM, K. and NAFIS, A., 2014. Tacit Knowledge and Employee Competency in Malaysia Service-based Industries: A Preliminary Study In: the Knowledge Management International Conference 2014 (KMICE 2014), Langkawi, Malaysia, 12-15 August 2014.
MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D. and FADILAH, P., 2014. Measuring Service Quality in Malaysian Local Government; the SERVQUAL Approach. In: the Knowledge Management International Conference 2014 (KMICE 2014), Langkawi, Malaysia, 12-15 August 2014..
MATHEW, A., MANIAM, K., AVVARI, M. and SUSAN, T., 2014. ). A review of SMEs recruitment and selection dilemma: Finding a ‘fit’. In: Australian Academy of Business and Social Sciences Conference 2014, 25th-26th August 2014, Kuala Lumpur..
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and SARAVANAN, M., 2013. Knowledge Management Systems for Emergency Managers: A Situational Approach. International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management. 3(4), 359-372
MANIAM, K., 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility: the Role Human Resource Management In: ICCSR Malaysia Conference: New CSR Dynamics..
DORASAMY, M., RAMAN, M. and KALIANNAN, M., 2013. Knowledge Management Systems in Support of Disaster Management: A two-decade review Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 1834-1853 DORASAMY, M., RAMAN, M. and KALIANNAN, M., 2013. Disaster Preparedness: An Investigation on Motivation and Barriers Journal of Emergency Management. 11(5), 1543-1565
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and MAGISWARY, D., 2012. Electronic Government: Developments and Trends. In: Public Management and Governance in Malaysia: Trends and Transformations Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, US. 160-178
MANIAM, K. and SUSEELA , C., 2012. Empowering Students through Outcome Based Education (OBE) Research in Education. 87(1), 50-63 MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R., SARAVANAN, M. and MANIAM, K., 2012. Knowledge-based Emergency Management Information Systems: An Architecture using DERMIS Principles. In: the Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe 2012)..
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and AYMAN, A.E., eds., 2012. ICT in Malaysia: Issues, Challenges & Opportunities. UiTM Press, Malaysia..
NIK ROSNAH, W.A. and MANIAM, K., 2012. Public Sector Reform and E-Government in Malaysia and Korea: A Comparative Perspective In: 5th Biennial International Conference of Korean Studies of Southeast Asia.
MANIAM, K., 2011. Technology Acceptance for Government Procurement: A Study on e-Procurement in Malaysia Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R., SARAVANAN, M. and MANIAM, K., 2011. Disaster Management: A Contemporary Review Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
MURALI, R., MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D., SARAVANAN, M. and RAJENDRAN, M., 2011. Knowledge Management for Social Workers Involved in Disaster Planning and Response in Malaysia: An Action Research Approach Systematic Practice and Action Research (SPAR) Journal. 24, 261-272
GOH, H. C. and MANIAM, K., 2011. Human Resource Management Practices in Logistic Service Provider Industry: A Case Study Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 2(9), 32-44
MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and MAGISWARY, D., 2011. Knowledge Management for Social Workers Involved in Disaster Planning and Response in Malaysia: An Action Research Approach Systematic Practice and Action Research (SPAR) Journal. 24, 261-272
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and SARAVANAN, M., 2011. Information Systems to Support Disaster Planning and Response: problem Diagnosis and Research Gap Analysis In: 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Portugal..
MAGSIWARY. D, MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and SARAVANAN, M., 2011. Knowledge Management Systems for Emergency Managers: Malaysian Perspective In: International Conference on Semantic Technology and Information Retrieval, Malaysia.
MAGISWARY, D., MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and SARAVANAN, M., 2011. Investigating Perceived ICT Usefulness for Disaster Readiness: A Preliminary Analysis In: 7th International Conference of IT in Asia, Malaysia.
MANIAM, K. and SUSEELA, C., 2011. Effectiveness of Service Quality by Local Governments in Malaysia: A Case Study of Batu Pahat Municipal Council In: 2nd International Conference on Public Policy & Social Sciences (ICoPS), Malaysia..
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and MAGISWARY, D., 2011. E-Government Portals and Online Services: Status Quo Malaysia In: 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Estonia..
MANIAM,K., MURALI, R. and MAGISWARY, D., 2010. Assessing e-Government Services: The case of e-Filing of Personal Income Tax in Malaysia. In: Citizens and e-Government: Evaluating Policy & Management IGI Publications, USA. 317-333
MANIAM, K. and RAMACHANDRAN, R., 2010. E-Payment in Malaysian Public Services: A Model Framework for Evaluation. In: ICT Strategic Review 2010/11: e-Commerce for Global Reach MPH Publishing Malaysia. 145-162
MANIAM, K. and HALIMAH, A., 2010. Critical Roles of RIDA, MARA & UiTM. In: Tun Razak’s Role in Malaysia’s Development 165-192
MANIAM, K. and HALIMAH, H., 2010. Adoption and Use of E-Government Services: A Case Study on E-Procurement in Malaysia WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. 7(1), 1-10
MANIAM, K. and SUSEELA, C., 2010. Education in Human Values (EHV): Alternative Approach for a Holistic Teaching Educational Research and Review. 5(12), 802-807
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R., SARAVANAN, M. and MANIAM, K., 2010. ICT and disaster preparedness in Malaysia WSEAS Transactions on Science and Management. 7(5), 735-748
MAGISWARY, D., MARAN, M., MURALI, R. and MANIAM, K., 2010. E-Government Services Online: an exploratory study on Tax e-Filling in Malaysia International Journal of Electronic Government Research. Oct. 2010, 12-24
MAGISWARY, D., MARAN, M., JAYAMALATHI, J., MURALI, R. and MANIAM, K., 2010. Critical factors in outsourcing of accounting functions in Malaysian Small Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) Journal of Malaysian Studies (Kajian Malaysia). 28(2), 39-70
MANIAM, K., HALIMAH, A. and MURALI, R., 2010. Public-Private Partnerships for E-Government Services: Lessons from Malaysia International Journal of Institutions and Economics. 2(2), 207-220
MANIAM, K., MURALI, M. and MAGISWARY, D., 2010. ICT in the context of public sector service delivery: A Malaysian perspective WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 8(4), 543-556
MAGISWARY, D., MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and SARAVANAN, M., 2010. Disaster Preparedness in Malaysia: An Exploratory Study In: WSEAS International Conference, Malaysia. 19-30
MANIAM, K., MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R. and SUSEELA, C., 2010. Is Malaysians Ready for e-Government? An Exploratory Study In: 7th International Conference on e-Governance (ICEG 2010), India.
MANIAM, K., 2010. Improving the Public Service Delivery thru e-Government initiatives in Malaysia In: International Conference on Public Policy and Social Sciences (ICoPs 2010), Malaysia.
MANIAM, K. and SUSEELA, C., 2010. Empowering Students through Outcome Based Education (OBE) In: International Conference on University Learning and Teaching, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
MANIAM, K., 2010. Electronic Procurement Implementation in Malaysia: Suppliers’ Readiness In: Paper presented at the Conference on Scientific & Social Science Research (CSSR 2010), Malaysia.
2010. Developing Change Management Capability: Source of Core Competency In: National Conference on Managing Change: Managing Change in a Borderless World, UiTM, Malaysia.
MANIAM,K., HAZMAN, S.A. and MURALI, R., 2009. Local e-Government in Malaysia: an empirical Investigation. In: Strategies for Local e-Government Adoption and Implementation: Comparative Studies IGI Publications, USA. 812-831
MANIAM, K. and RAMACHANDRAN, R., 2009. Re-inventing the Quality of Civil Service through e-Government Initiatives in Malaysia. In: ICT Strategic Review 2009/10: Innovation the way forward MPH Publishing, Malaysia. 113-132
HAZMAN, S., MUNIRAH, M., MANIAM, K. and ABDUL, J. A., 2009. The Use (and abuse) of ISO 9000 Certification Marks in Promotional Materials in Malaysia International Journal of Business and Management. 4(1), 168-175
MANIAM, K., HALIMAH, A. and MURALI, R., 2009. Government Purchasing: A Review of E-Procurement System in Malaysia The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management. IV(Spring), 27-41
MANIAM, K., HALIMAH, A. and MURALI, R., 2009. Electronic procurement: a case study on Malaysia’s e-Perolehan (e-procurement) initiative International Journal Electronic Governance (IJEG). 2(2), 10-117
MANIAM, K., HALIMAH, A. and MURALI, R., 2009. Public-Private Partnerships for e-Government Services: Lessons learned In: Public Private Partnership for Development International Conference, Malaysia.
2009. E-Government: An Exploratory Study of Online Government Procurement In: Conference on Scientific & Social Science Research (CSSR 2009).
MANIAM, K. and SUSEELA, C., 2009. Human Values Approach to Teaching: It’s Impact on Teachers and Pupils In: 1st International Conference on Educational Research and Practice, UPM, Malaysia.
MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and MAGISWARY, D., 2009. Use of ICT in the Public Service Delivery: the Malaysian Experience In: WSEAS Conferences, Greece. 57-62
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and MAGISWARY, D., 2009. E-Procurement Adoption in the Malaysian Public Sector: Organizational Perspectives In: 13th IEEE International EDOC Conference 2009, Auckland, New Zealand.. 189-194
MANIAM, K. and HALIMAH, A., 2009. Adoption and Use of E-Government Services: A Case Study on E-Procurement in Malaysia In: WSEAS International Conference, Canary Islands, Spain.. 88-93.
2009. -Procurement in the Malaysian Public Sector: Suppliers’ Perceptions In: Public Sector Procurement: Re-Strategising Procurement in the Public Sector to Achieve Higher value, Efficiency and Effectiveness Conference, Malaysia.
MANIAM, K., HALIMAH, A., MURALI, R. and MAGISWARY, D., 2008. E-Procurement for the Public Sector: Determinants of attitude towards adoption. In: Critical Thinking in E-Governance GIFT Publishing, India. 224-234
MANIAM, K. and HALIMAH, A., 2008. ICT to Enhance Administrative Performance: A Case Study from Malaysia International Journal of Business & Management (IJBM). 3(5), 78-84
HAZMAN, S.A. and MANIAM, K., 2008. From Customer Satisfaction to Citizen Satisfaction: Rethinking Local Government Service Delivery in Malaysia Asian Social Science. 4(11), 87-92,
MANIAM, K., 2008. E-Government: An Exploratory Study of Online Government Procurement Social and Management Research Journal. 5(2), 15-24
MANIAM, K., 2008. Use of ICT in the Public Service Delivery: The Malaysian Experience The Journal of Administrative Science. 5(1), 1-19
MANIAM, K., 2008. ICT to enhance Government Procurement: A Case Study of e-Perolehan in Malaysia The Journal of Administrative Science. 5(2), 57-68
MANIAM, K. and HALIMAH, A., 2008. Implementing Electronic Procurement in Government: A Case Study on e-Perolehan in Malaysia Public Sector ICT Management Review. 2(2), 44-51
MAGISWARY, D. and MANIAM, K., 2008. Providing Government Services online: An Empirical Survey of e-Government at Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya Public Sector ICT Management Review. 2(1), 22-28
MAGISWARY, D., MANIAM, K., MURALI, R. and JENNES, E., 2008. Knowledge Management for Disaster Response: A Proposed Framework. In: Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICE 08), UUM, Malaysia.
MANAIM, K., 2008. ICT to enhance Government Procurement: A case study of e-Perolehan project in Malaysia In: e-Asia 2008 Conference, Malaysia.
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R., MAGISWARY, D. and HALIMAH, A., 2008. E-Procurement for the Public Sector: Determinants of attitude towards adoption In: International Conference on e-Governance (ICEG), 18-20 December 2008 at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India..
MURALI, R., MANIAM, K. and CHENG, M.Y., 2007. E-Business and E-Government: Issues and Challenges in Malaysia Information Technology Journal. 6(3), 428-434
MANIAM, K., MURALI, R., HALIMAH, A. and MAGISWARY, D., 2006. A Case Study on Malaysia’s e-Perolehan (e-Procurement) Initiative.. In: Technology in Government GIFT Publishing, India. 224-231
HAZMAN, S.A. and MANIAM, K., 2006. Development of E-government in Malaysia: The Role of Leadership and Organization Efficacy. In: E-government: Macro Issues GIFT Publishing, India. 189-202
MURALI, R. and MANIAM, K., 2006. E-Services in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation Journal of WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. 3(10), 692-698
MAGISWARY, D., MURALI, R. and MANIAM, K., 2006. Outsourcing Practices in Malaysia: A Case Study on the ICT Industry International Journal of Business Economic Review (IBER). 6(8), 81-86
MANIAM, K., 2005. Networking Government: E-Government in Malaysia The Journal of Administrative Science. 2(2), 75-91
CHOWDHURY, Z.M. and KALIANNAN, M, 201. Determinants of work-life-balance among white collar in private sector of Bangladesh. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital. 18(3), 278-310