University of Nottingham Malaysia
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Image of Susan Azam-Ali

Susan Azam-Ali

Honorary Associate Prof,



I graduated from the University of Nottingham in 1986 with a BSc (Hons) in Agricultural Sciences (Nutrition). Followed by a PhD in 1990 (from the University of Nottingham) in nutritional biochemistry - on the nutritional evaluation of cassava.

After time spent as a volunteer on nutrition-related projects in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, I joined the Intermediate Technology Development Group (now Practical Action) as an Agro Processing Specialist. Project work over the next 8 years increased my experiences of overseas development work, in Asia and Africa.

I worked as a Consultant in Agro Processing for 10 years, before joining the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) to establish the Nutrition degree programme. I now combine consultancy work for FAO and other development agencies, with academic work at UNMC.

Expertise Summary

  • Small scale food processing for income generation and nutritional improvement
  • Nutritional evaluation of foodstuffs
  • Effects of processing on nutritional value of foods, in particular under-utilized species
  • Training in small scale food processing
  • Lecturing

Recent Publications

  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Training Manual on Packaging for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Training Manual on Quality Assurance for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Trainees Handbook on Packaging: Workbook to accompany the training manual (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Trainees Handbook on Quality Assurance: Workbook to accompany the training manual (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Training Manual on Packaging for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Training Manual on Quality Assurance for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Trainees Handbook on Packaging: Workbook to accompany the training manual (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2015. FAO - Trainees Handbook on Quality Assurance: Workbook to accompany the training manual (In Press.)
  • ADVINA JULKIFLE and SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2014. Proceedings of the University of Nottingham second forum on Global Food Security, Malaysia (In Press.)
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 2008. Home-based fruit and vegetable processing: A manual for field workers and trainers in Afghanistan. FAO, Rome.
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI and E LIM, 2005. Production and processing of small seeds for birds.: FAO Agricultural and Food Engineering Technical Report FAO, Rome Italy.
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, EMMA JUDGE and PETER FELLOWS, 2003. Small-scale food processing: A directory of equipment and methods (2nd edition). ITDG Publishing, London, UK.
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI and EMMA JUDGE, 2001. Small-scale cashew processing. FAO publications, Rome, Italy.
  • MIKE BATTCOCK, SUSAN AZAM ALI and BARRIE AXTELL, 1998. Training in Food Processing; Successful approaches. IT Publications, London, UK..
  • MIKE BATTCOCK, 1998. Fermented Fruits and Vegetables: a global perspective. FAO Publications, Rome, Italy.
  • SUSAN AZAM ALI, 1998. In: Chapter in: Fermented grain legumes and nuts; a global perspective. FAO Publications, Rome, Italy..

Faculty of Science and Engineering

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8001

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