AL BISHTAWI B, MUSTAPHA K and SCRIBANO G, 2025. On the early stagnation point during transient acoustic cavitation Physics of Fluids. AL BISHTAWI B, GERINI F, SCRIBANO G and VAGNONI E, 2024. Oscillation characterization of cavitating tip leakage vortices in a dynamically controlled Kaplan turbine In: Cavitation Symposium 2024.
AL BISHTAWI B, MUSTAPHA K and SCRIBANO G, 2024. Influence of toroidal vortex dynamics on acoustic cavitation development under different ultrasonic horn tip vibration modes In: Cavitation Symposium 2024.
AMSAL M, LEE CC, NURMUKAN D, TRAN MV, HUNG YM, SCRIBANO G and CHONG CT, 2023. Numerical simulation of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide emissions of biodiesel diffusion flame Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 45, CHENG X and SCRIBANO G, 2023. Modelling of soot and NO emissions for methane-air and methane ethanol co-flow laminar diffusion flames with ozone addition In: 11th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2023).
AMSAL M, TRAN MV, HUNG YM, SCRIBANO G and CHONG CT, 2023. Numerical simulation of palm biodiesel droplet evaporation at various temperatures and pressures International Journal of Energy Research. POON HM, CHONG JJ, NG HK, GAN S, SCRIBANO G and WANG W, 2023. Kinetic Modelling of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Pyrolytic Oil In: ISSA’23 Proceedings of International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation 2023.
SAFAEI B, HOW HC and SCRIBANO G, 2022. A Computational Study on Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes in a Sooty Inverse Diffusion Flame International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. AL-BISHTAWI B, SCRIBANO G and TRAN M-V, 2022. Numerical Analysis on the Effect of Blade Roughness on Cavitating Flow Characteristics in Centrifugal Pumps Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 44, 305 LEE CC, TRAN MV, TAN BT, OOI JB, CHONG CT and SCRIBANO G, 2022. A numerical study on soot formation in methane-ethanol diffusion flames Fuel. 328, 125313 NURMUKAN D, TRAN M-V, FOO JJ, SCRIBANO G, CHONG CT and HUYNH TC, 2021. Experimental study on laminar lifted flames of pre-vaporized palm oil biodiesel Fuel. 288, TRAN M-V and SCRIBANO G, 2021. Explosion Characteristics of Syngas/air Premixed Flames In: 8th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer.
AL-BISHTAWI B, SCRIBANO G and TRAN M-V, 2021. Numerical Study of Blade Roughness Effect on Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps In: ICADME 2021.
AL BISHTAWI B, SCRIBANO G and TRAN M-V, 2021. Numerical Study of Blade Roughness Effect on Cavitation in Centrifugal Pumps Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2051(1), 012047 CHOO EJC, CHENG X, GAN S, NG HK and SCRIBANO G, 2021. Spray combustion simulation study of diesel-n-butanol blend in a constant volume combustion chamber In: 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Power Engineering (MEPE 2021).
SCRIBANO G and TRAN M-V, 2020. Numerical investigation of a confined diffusion flame in a swirl burner European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids. 82, 1-10 SCRIBANO G and TRAN M-V, 2020. Numerical Simulation of Radiant Burner Performance Burning Syngas Fuels In: 12th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers.
LEE CC, TRAN M-V, SCRIBANO G, CHONG CT, OOI JB and CONG HT, 2019. Numerical Study of NOx and Soot Formations in Hydrocarbon Diffusion Flames Energy & Fuels. 33(12), 12839-12851 TRAN M-V, SCRIBANO G, CHONG CT, HO TX and CONG HT, 2018. Experimental and numerical investigation of explosive behavior of syngas/air mixtures International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 43(16), 8152–8160 TRAN M-V, SCRIBANO G, CHONG CT and HO TX, 2018. Simulation of Explosion Characteristics of Syngas/air Mixtures Energy Procedia. 153, 131-136 TRAN M-V, SCRIBANO G and PARK J, 2017. Pressure history of syngas/air premixed flames propagating in a closed combustion chamber In: Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day 2017.
TRAN M-V, SCRIBANO G, CHONG CT and HO TX, 2017. Influence of hydrocarbon additions and dilutions
on explosion behavior of syngas/air mixtures International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 42(44), 27416-27427 LIM YJ, SCRIBANO G, LIAO Y-H and TRAN M-V, 2016. A Numerical Study on the Effect of Velocity Profiles on the Structure of a Partially Premixed Laminar Flame In: 13th International Conference on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Taipei.
MANSOUR MS, ALKHESHO I, SCRIBANO G, MITSUDHARMADI H, BISETTI F and CHUNG SH, 2015. Flow fields and droplet dynamics of turbulent spray flames in curved wall jet burner In: European Combustion Meeting 2015.
BISETTI F and SCRIBANO G, 2015. Scaling of velocity and mixture fraction fields in laminar counterflow configurations In: 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Boston.
G. SCRIBANO, A. O. ALSHAARAWI, A. ATTILI and F. BISETTI, 2014. Real geometry effects and scaling of strain rate in a counterflow configuration In: European Fluid Mechanich Conference, Copenhagen.
G. SCRIBANO, A. O. ALSHAARAWI, A. ATTILI and F. BISETTI, 2014. Nucleation and growth of dibutyl phthalate droplets in a laminar counterflow In: International Aerosol Conference, Korea.
G. SCRIBANO and F. BISETTI, 2014. Analysis of a steady laminar stagnation flow and its self-similarity properties In: 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco.
F. BISETTI and G. SCRIBANO, 2014. Devices and methods for generating an aerosol US 62/041323 08/25/2014 00:00:00
A. O. ALSHAARAWI, G. SCRIBANO, K. ZHOU, A. ATTILI and F. BISETTI, 2013. Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Hydrodynamic Mixing on Droplet Nucleation and Growth In: European Aerosol Conference, Prague.
G. SCRIBANO, A. O. ALSHAARAWI, K. ZHOU, A. ATTILI and F. BISETTI, 2013. Development of an Experimental Flow Configuration for the Study of the Effects of Mixing on the Nucleation and Growth of Liquid Droplets In: European Aerosol Conference, Prague.
A. O. ALSHAARAWI, K. ZHOU, G. SCRIBANO, A. ATTILI and F. BISETTI, 2013. The effect of residence time on the dynamics of a condensing aerosol in a Hiemenz-type stagnation flow In: 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburgh.
G. SCRIBANO, 2010. An air-gas mixer device for premix combustible gas burners EP2612074 09/02/2010 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO and A. RANALLI, 2010. Premix gas burner USD642675S 02/19/2010 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO, L. BARDUCA and N. LOLLO, 2008. A premix gas burner EP2242952 B1 04/09/2008 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO, M. BEGHI, L. BARDUCA, N. LOLLO, S. MASIERO and D. PULZATO, 2007. A Burner, specifically a premix gas burner EP2225489 11/06/2007 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO and M. BEGHI, 2007. A Burner, specifically a premix burner EP2227655 B1 11/19/2007 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO, G. SOLERO and A. COGHE, 2006. Pollutant emissions reduction and performance optimization of an industrial radiant tube burner Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 30(7), 605 - 612 D. PESERICO and G. SCRIBANO, 2006. Differentiated Distributor, suitable for premixed gas burner EP1914476 10/13/2006 00:00:00
G. SCRIBANO, G. SOLERO and A. COGHE, 2004. Numerical Simulation of an Industrial Radiant Burner In: Joint Meeting of the Greek and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute.
G. SOLERO, A. COGHE and G. SCRIBANO, 2004. Influence of natural gas injection procedure in a swirl burner In: Joint Meeting of the Greek and Italian Sections of The Combustion Institute.
A. COGHE, G. SOLERO and G. SCRIBANO, 2004. Recirculation phenomena in a natural gas swirl combustor Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 28(7), 709 - 714 G. SCRIBANO, A.J. GRIFFITHS and N. SYRED, 2003. Numerical simulation of two stage combustor In: Joint meeting of Scandinavian – Nordic and Italian Sections of the Combustion institute.
G. SCRIBANO, G. SOLERO, A. COGHE and P. GENNARO, 2003. Characterization of pollutant emissions in a radiant tube natural gas burner In: Joint meeting of Scandinavian – Nordic and Italian Sections of the Combustion institute.
P. GENNARO, G. SCRIBANO, L. GALFETTI, A. COGHE and G. SOLERO, 2002. Fluid dynamic and thermal analysis of an industrial gas burner In: 25th Annual Meeting of the Italian Combustion Institute.
G. SCRIBANO, G. SOLERO, A. COGHE and L. ARANEO, 2001. Characterization of the vortical flow field in a swirl burner through PIV In: 24th Annual Meeting of the Italian Combustion Institute.
S. DE IULIIS, G. SCRIBANO, G. SOLERO, F. CIGNOLI and G. ZIZAK, 1999. Characterization of a Turbulent Lean Premixed Methane/Oxygen/Air Flame In: 21st Annual Meeting of the Italian Combustion Institute.