University of Nottingham Malaysia
School of
Politics, History and International Relations

UNMC Assistant Professor publishes article on Palestinian political economy

Middle East Critique

UNMC Assistant Professor Guy Burton has just published an article on Palestinian political economy in the important regional academic journal, Middle East Critique. The article analyses the state of economic exchange between Palestinians living on both sides of the Green Line, in Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. The article explores the extent to which such exchange provides the means to developing the Palestinian economy and making it independent of Israel. The abstract to the article can be accessed through the following link.

The article is the result of Dr Burton’s research on the subject, which he undertook during his postdoctoral work while based at Birzeit University in occupied Palestine four years ago. His research involved interviews with representatives of business groups across the West Bank, Gaza and Nazareth in order to compare and contrast the state of Palestinian firms’ influence across the country. The research was part of a wider project initiated by Birzeit University which sought alternatives to development for the Palestinian people and which was funded by the Germany-based Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Because of his previous employment at Birzeit and past publications, Dr Burton has a particular interest in the Palestinian question. In addition, Dr Burton’ concern is part of a wider research and teaching agenda which covers politics and international relations of the Middle East – subject which he teaches an undergraduate course on each academic year.

Posted on 2nd February 2016

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