Michael will present power dynamics in the scope of the EU’s relations with ASEAN by focusing mostly on trade negotiations between both parties. His talk will also touch upon some of the hot topics at stake in the EU-ASEAN relationship.
Details Date: 2 December 2022, FridayTime: 17:00 to 18:30 (GMT +8)Location: Webinar via MS Teams About the speaker: Michael John HINDLEY is a former British Member of the European Parliament (MEP, 1984-1999), where he served as Vice-President of the Trade Committee, President of Parliamentary Group ‘Friends of Hong Kong’ and as Member of the Delegation for relations with China. In his time, he was involved in drafting numerous EP reports on EU-China, EU-ASEAN and EU-Vietnam relations and on China and Taiwan’s respective WTO memberships. Since 1999, he has worked as a consultant on EU external relations for the European Commission and the Council of Europe where he contributed to reports on EU-Vietnam and EU-China relations. Since 2008, he has served as an adviser on EU external relations for the EU’s European Economic and Social Committee by providing input for reports on China, Central Asia and on trade in raw materials. Michael was educated at London University (BA (Hons) in German), at the Free University of West Berlin, at Lancaster University (MA in Comparative Culture Studies) and at the University of South Wales (Post Graduate Diploma in International Law). He is the author of “The Semi Detached European” The UK and Europe from 1945 to Brexit.
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