University of Nottingham Malaysia
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Exchange Vs Transfer Programmes: Differences

exchange vs transfer students

A 2017 European Union study revealed that students who participate in international exchange programmes increase their chances of employability by 42%. 

These programmes help students develop skills highly valued by employers. For example, adaptability, cultural awareness, and problem-solving abilities. Thus making them stand out in the competitive job market. 

Additionally, the experience of studying abroad appreciably enhances students' academic performance. In fact, a 2016 report by Universities UK revealed a positive correlation between outward mobility and improved academic performance. Furthermore, the immersive nature of studying abroad accelerates language learning. 

In essence, exchange and transfer programmes not only provide academic enrichment but also foster lifelong friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds. They enrich students' lives and broaden their perspectives in ways that can be truly life-changing. However, these exchange and transfer programmes are often interchangeably confused with each other!

What is an exchange programme? 

An exchange programme is a formal arrangement between two universities that allows students to study at the partner institution for a specified period. This period is usually one semester or one academic year, depending on the university. 

In practice, students remain enrolled at their home university and continue to pay tuition fees there. With exchange programmes, students attend classes and fulfil academic requirements at the host institution, with credits transferred back to their home university. 

At UNM, it is a 1 semester or up to a 1-year exchange opportunity to University of Nottingham, UK or Ningbo, China and partner universities (depending on the courses). The students are required to return to UNM for the graduation. 

What is a transfer programme? 

A transfer programme is an arrangement between educational institutions that allows students to transfer credits or qualifications from one institution to another. Hence, students can avoid repeating coursework, especially those that they have already done. 

Within UNM’s intercampus transfer programme, students from specific courses can apply. It means a student decides to permanently continue his remaining years of study at the University of Nottingham, UK or Ningbo, China. Students who choose to apply for a transfer programme with the University of Nottingham need to pay the respective international fee.

What is the difference between an exchange and a transfer programme? 

Exchange and transfer programmes are two distinct types of education arrangements. The following are some key differences:

Tuition fees 

  • Exchange programmes: Students pay tuition fees in advance to their home university (UNM) in MYR for the 1-semester/1 year exchange, applicable tp select courses at the host university. 

  • Transfer programmes: Students pay the international tuition fees directly to the approved host university of choice. 

Choice of universities

  • Exchange programmes: Students have the option for inter-campus exchange with partner universities. For UNM, there are various options for choosing partner universities (depending on the courses). These include Concordia University, Canada Sciences Po Toulouse, France, Tec De Monterrey, Mexico, University of Birmingham, UK, University of Queensland, Australia, University of Glasgow, UK, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA, The University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Aarhus University, Denmark, University of Strasbourg, France, Shiga University, Japan, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea, and Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea to name a few. 

  • Transfer programmes: Students have more freedom to choose the foreign university they wish to transfer to. However, their preferred programmes have to be compatible with those of their previous institution, and the university should accept the transfer credits. For example, at UNM, students have intercampus transfer options to the University of Nottingham, UK or Ningbo, China. Additionally, these transfers are subject to approval from both campuses, meeting minimal requirements, as well as the available quota. 

Programme structure 

  • Exchange programmes: These are subject to the rules, regulations and grading system of the host and home institution.

  • Transfer programmes: The foreign university's programme structure and grading system are used. 

Duration of the programme

  • Exchange programmes: Students who are studying at the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) can apply to study at our overseas campuses in China and the UK for a period of one semester or up to one academic year. 

  • Transfer programmes: The duration of the programme varies depending on the courses and the transfer year. Students will complete and graduate at the host university.

Benefits of exchange and transfer programmes

Exchange and transfer programmes share multiple benefits for students, such as:

Expand your horizons and viewpoint

These programmes allow students to immerse themselves in new cultures, customs, and ways of life. These experiences can significantly broaden their perspectives and worldviews. 

Furthermore, this exposure to diverse environments challenges students to re-examine their own beliefs and assumptions. Thus, leading to greater cultural awareness and understanding which can improve employability.

Cultivates adaptability

Along with experiencing a new lifestyle and a different culture, these programmes allow students to experience foreign education. Both exchange and transfer programmes require students to adapt to unfamiliar academic and social environments. This adaptability may prove useful as it helps develop their flexibility and problem-solving abilities. 

As students navigate different systems, languages, and expectations, they learn skills needed to thrive in diverse work settings.

Strengthens interpersonal skills

Interacting with people from various backgrounds during these programmes helps students enhance their communication and collaboration skills. 

In essence, these programmes teach students to be more open-minded, tolerant, and effective in cross-cultural interactions— all of which are highly valued by employers.

Opportunity to face and overcome challenges

The experience of studying abroad often takes students out of their comfort zones and presents them with new challenges. 

So, navigating and overcoming obstacles in unfamiliar environments can build resilience, self-confidence, and independence in students.

Experience different teaching styles and facilities at the host university

Exchange and transfer programmes allow students to access different academic opportunities and teaching methods that may not be available at their home institution. 

The exposure to new academic paths can help develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Develop lifelong friendships

Studying abroad—whether through an exchange or transfer programme— provides students with the opportunity to make connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 

In the long run, these friendships can last a lifetime and enrich students' personal and professional networks. Thus opening up new opportunities for collaboration and growth, and even international job recommendations. 

Exchange vs transfer programmes: What’s the cost? 

Before choosing to participate in an exchange or transfer programme, it's crucial to evaluate the total costs involved, beyond just tuition fees. 

For example, if you are transferring to the UK, the UK government estimates living costs for students to be between £1,023 to £1,334 per month. This average amount can fluctuate based on the student's location, lifestyle, and specific needs. 

Furthermore, both exchange and transfer programme students typically need a student visa. The visa fee keeps changing each year and hence it is advisable that the students refer to to get more information on the visa fee. Additionally, visa applications might include costs for mandatory health insurance, biometric data collection, and other administrative expenses.

Lastly, students should be prepared for any additional cost for exchange and transfer to the host university at UNM. 

Exchange and transfer programmes at UNM

Both exchange and transfer programmes are available to Malaysian and International students who wish to study abroad. For instance, the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) offers the following:

Intercampus Exchange Programme

The Intercampus Exchange Programme allows UNM students to study for one semester or up to one academic year at the University of Nottingham's campuses in China or the UK. 

To be eligible, students must be currently enrolled at UNM while meeting the academic requirements for exchange. This programme enables students to experience studying abroad while earning credits towards their Nottingham degree.

Partner University Exchanges

The Universitas 21/partner university exchange is a competitive programme that allows UNM undergraduate students to study for one semester/one academic year at a partner university as part of their Nottingham degree. 

Eligible students must have completed at least one year of study at UNM and maintain an excellent academic standing. 

It is important to note that some courses have limited quotas, and the year they are eligible to exchange/transfer is carefully considered. 

Is it hard being an exchange student? 

The answer to this question is subjective. Exchange students can sometimes face loneliness and language barriers. Navigating daily tasks like grocery shopping and using public transportation in an unfamiliar environment requires a high degree of adaptability. But the experience is rewarding and totally worth it. 

Nonetheless, an exchange student requires a significant amount of resilience, independence, and adaptability to overcome the various challenges that arise. 


Exchange and transfer programmes provide students the opportunity to immerse themselves in new cultures, which can broaden their global perspectives. This exposure to diverse cultures can also improve students' communication and adaptability skills. Thus making them more attractive to future employers.

Furthermore, these programmes allow students to access different academic opportunities and teaching styles that may not be available at their home institution. In fact, students can even take courses that complement their degree or explore new subjects altogether. This fosters intellectual growth and critical thinking skills. 

Overall, the cross-cultural experiences gained through these programmes cultivate students’ intercultural competencies and problem-solving abilities—all of which are essential for employment success in an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. 

For more information, read UNM’s page on inter-campus exchange and transfer programmes

Posted on 26th July 2024

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