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What's Next After IGCSE in Malaysia


What’s Next After IGCSE in Malaysia

Completing your IGCSE examinations is a significant milestone in anyone’s academic journey. However, after wrapping up this phase of education, one may find themselves pondering the next steps to take. 

Fortunately, Malaysia offers a plethora of opportunities for students post-IGCSE. This guide explores some of these pathways. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What is IGCSE?

The IGCSE, or the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, is an English-language examination. It is recognised globally and is equivalent to the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) in Malaysia. 

Developed by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, the IGCSE is typically taken by students aged 14 and above— preparing them for further academic studies such as A-levels, foundation and beyond.

What do students do after IGCSE?

After completing their IGCSE, students often wonder, "where can I go after IGCSE in Malaysia?" or "what is the next level after IGCSE?"  Here are some educational pathways students may explore. 

Foundation after IGCSE

Foundations programmes provide a bridge between secondary education and university-level studies. They offer intensive courses designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for their chosen degree programmes. 

In Malaysia, renowned institutions like the University of Nottingham Malaysia offer a variety of foundation programmes tailored to different academic disciplines. For example:

  • Foundation in Arts and Education: This course is curated to prepare students for undergraduate degrees in the arts, humanities, and education. Consequently, students are equipped for success in a variety of subjects like English, International Communication Studies, Education and more.  

  • Foundation in Engineering: This pre-university programme offers a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses core mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computing fundamentals, and more. Upon successful completion of the required credits, students may progress to an undergrad engineering or computer science degree.

  • Foundation in Business and Management: This course is expressly tailored to prepare students for undergraduate degrees in business-related fields. Its curriculum covers modules like English language proficiency, accounting processes, and management fundamentals.

  • Foundation in Science: This programme serves as a pathway to undergraduate science degrees. It is structured to provide students with a solid foundation in science-related subjects like chemistry, mathematics, physics, biology, computer science, pharmacy, and psychology.


Diploma programmes provide vocational training in specific fields, preparing students for subsequent entry into the workforce. These typically take two to three years to complete and offer practical, hands-on learning experiences.

Certificate programmes

Certificate programmes offer specialised training in niche areas, providing students with focused skills and knowledge. They are shorter in duration compared to diplomas and often serve as supplementary qualifications to enhance career prospects.

Other pre-university courses

Apart from foundation programmes, diplomas, and certificate courses, there are other pre-university pathways available to IGCSE graduates. These include A-levels, the International Baccalaureate (IB), and the American Advanced Placement (AP) programme, each offering unique advantages and opportunities.

*Please note that the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM) offers only foundation programmes for pre-university courses.

Can I go straight to university after IGCSE?

The answer largely depends on the specific entry requirements of the universities one applies to. Some universities might require taking a foundation programme, while others might not. 

Is IGCSE recognised in Malaysia?

Yes, most universities and educational institutions in Malaysia accept IGCSE. Its rigorous curriculum and international standing make it a preferred qualification for admission.

Can IGCSE students apply to Malaysian universities?

Absolutely! Many Malaysian universities welcome applications from IGCSE students. However, admission requirements usually vary depending on the institution and the chosen course of study. 

So, it's essential to research the specific entry requirements of each university you're interested in.

Can IGCSE students apply for PTPTN?

PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional) offers financial assistance in the form of loans to Malaysian students pursuing higher education. While eligibility criteria may differ, IGCSE students are generally eligible to apply for PTPTN loans for their tertiary studies for undergraduate programmes and beyond.

How do I choose the best course after IGCSE?

Choosing the right course after IGCSE can significantly impact your future academic and career prospects. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Identify your academic strengths and weaknesses

Reflect on your performance in different subjects during your IGCSE studies. Identify areas where you excel and subjects you're passionate about. This self-awareness will help guide your course selection process.

Consider all the pre-university options available

Explore the various pre-university pathways available, including foundation programmes, A-levels, IB, and AP courses. Each option has its own curriculum, assessment methods, and advantages, so take the time to research and weigh your options.

Talk to your teachers and peers

Seek advice from your teachers, career counsellors, and peers who have gone through similar decision-making processes. Their insights and experiences can offer valuable perspectives and help clarify any doubts you may have.

Consider what you want to do in the future

Think about your long-term goals and aspirations. Consider how your chosen course of study aligns with your career ambitions and personal interests. Selecting a course that resonates with your passions and goals will keep you motivated and engaged throughout your academic journey.

Consider your finances

Evaluate the financial implications of your chosen course, including tuition fees, living expenses, and potential scholarship opportunities. Explore scholarship and financial assistance options offered by universities and external organisations to alleviate the financial burden of your studies.


Deciding what's next after IGCSE in Malaysia is a major decision that will shape one's academic journey and future career. While it may seem unnerving, remember that several resources and support systems are available to help you navigate this process. So, ensure that you always ask for guidance when you’re at a crossroads.

Explore the scholarships available for our foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate courses. Also, remember to download our prospectus for detailed information about our programs!

This article aims to give an overview of Malaysia’s education system for public understanding. However, it does not cover all aspects of the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), so readers are encouraged to seek more information if necessary.

Posted on 21st June 2024

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