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Degree vs Diploma

Degree vs Dipoma

Choosing between pursuing a degree or a diploma can be a pivotal decision in one's educational journey. Both avenues offer distinct advantages and cater to different career aspirations and personal circumstances.

In this guide, we'll explore the differences between degree and diploma programmes, and their respective pros and cons. We’ll also provide insights to help students in choosing the path that best fits their goals.

What is a diploma?

A diploma is a certification awarded by educational institutions upon completion of a specialised course of study. Unlike degree programmes, diplomas typically focus on practical skills and hands-on training tailored to specific industries or professions. In practice, they are often shorter in duration and offer a more direct route to entering the workforce.

Advantages and disadvantages of a diploma

Diplomas have several advantages, such as:

  • Practical skill development: Diplomas emphasise practical training, equipping students with job-ready skills sought after by employers.

  • Time efficiency: Diploma programmes are usually shorter in duration. This allows for a quicker entry into the workforce compared to traditional degree programmes.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Diploma programmes generally entail lower tuition fees and living expenses, making them a more affordable option for many students.

By the same token, diplomas also manifest several disadvantages, such as:

  • Limited specialisation: Degree programmes may offer more depth and breadth of knowledge than diplomas, despite the fact that they provide focused training.

  • Perceived prestige: In some industries, a degree may be more prestigious and preferred by employers over a diploma.

  • Career advancement: Advancement opportunities within certain professions may be limited without a degree.

What is a degree?

A degree is an academic credential conferred by universities or colleges upon completion of a comprehensive course of study spanning multiple disciplines. 

Degree programmes encompass a broader educational experience, combining theoretical knowledge with practical application and critical thinking skills.

Advantages and disadvantages of a degree

Degree programmes have several advantages, such as:

  • Comprehensive education: Degree programmes offer a comprehensive education covering various subject areas, providing a well-rounded learning experience.

  • Career opportunities: A degree is often a prerequisite for entry into many professional fields and can lead to higher-paying job opportunities.

  • Personal development: Degree courses foster critical thinking, research skills, and intellectual growth, preparing students for diverse career paths and lifelong learning.

In the same breadth, degree programmes have some disadvantages, such as:

  • Time intensive: Degree courses typically require a longer time commitment, ranging from three to four years for a bachelor's degree to several years for advanced degrees.

  • Financial investment: Pursuing a degree can involve significant tuition expenses and may require taking on student loans. This may lead to financial burdens for some students.

  • Competitive job market: While a degree enhances career prospects, graduates may face stiff competition in saturated job markets, especially for entry-level positions.

What is the difference between a degree and a diploma in Malaysia?

The distinctions between degree and diploma programmes can be illustrated using the following categories, namely:

Time requirements

Degree programmes in Malaysia generally span three to four years for a bachelor's degree, while diploma programmes typically last between one and three years.

Programme requirements

Bachelor's degree programmes encompass a broader range of subjects, including general education requirements, core courses, and electives. In essence, they infer a comprehensive education covering various disciplines.

On the other hand, diplomas focus on specialised skill sets relevant to specific industries or professions. Hence, they provide practical training and hands-on experience tailored to meet the demands of particular career paths.


Pursuing a degree often entails higher tuition fees compared to diploma programmes due to the longer duration and broader scope of study.

For context, most diploma courses take two to three years to complete. In stark contrast, some degree programmes may take up to five years; for example, medicine or architecture. This extended period of study dictates an increased investment in terms of finances.

Learning environment

Degrees may offer a more academically rigorous environment with opportunities for research, critical thinking, and theoretical exploration than diplomas. 

For the most part, diplomas prioritise practical skills development and hands-on training, often conducted in specialised workshops or vocational settings.

Qualifications received

The most obvious one is the qualification received. Upon completion, degree programmes confer bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees, while with diploma courses, graduates receive diplomas certifying their proficiency in a specific field or trade.

Transferability to other institutions

Degrees from accredited universities are generally more transferable to other institutions and recognised internationally, facilitating mobility and further education opportunities. 

At the same time, diplomas may have more limited recognition outside of specific industries or regions. Some diploma programmes offer pathways to higher education through credit transfers or articulation agreements.

Future career options

While both degrees and diplomas can lead to rewarding career paths, degree holders may have broader career options and opportunities for advancement compared to diploma holders.

Diploma vs degree salary

Salaries for diploma and degree holders may vary depending on factors such as industry, job role, experience, and location. 

Generally, diplomas are vocational and technical in nature. In fact, because of their narrower scope, diploma holders tend to find employment in niche industries. 

In fact, diploma holders may find job security in high-demand blue-collar sectors where their specialised skills are indispensable. For example, mining and construction.

On the other hand, degree holders typically enjoy greater versatility in their careers. This is because their extensive knowledge base enables them to pivot between industries and roles. 

In general, degree holders tend to command higher salaries due to their comprehensive education and broader skill set. Additionally, over time, their earning potential tends to grow faster than diploma holders. 

Diploma vs degree: Which is better?

The answer to this question depends on your career goals, personal preferences, and individual circumstances. 

While degrees offer a more comprehensive education and broader career prospects, diplomas provide practical, job-focused training and a faster entry into the workforce.

Overall, degrees are a higher academic award than diplomas. Furthermore, they offer a wider range of opportunities for further studies and career advancement. 

How do employers view a degree compared to a diploma?

Employers often value both degrees and diplomas, but the perceived prestige and suitability may vary depending on the industry and job role. 

In some fields, such as healthcare or engineering, a degree may be a non-negotiable requirement. 

In contrast, in others, such as hospitality or creative industries, diplomas may be equally valued for their practical skills.

Generally, diplomas are particularly useful to employers in niche industries that require specialised expertise. However, they may limit career advancement opportunities. This is primarily because their skills are less transferable to other fields. 

On the other hand, degrees are especially useful for employers that require a broader range of skills and knowledge. For example, such as management, research, and academia. Though degrees may not provide the same level of practical, hands-on training as diplomas.

Should I get a diploma or a degree?

The decision to pursue a diploma or a degree should be based on one's career aspirations, financial situation, and personal preferences. 

If you aspire to roles that require advanced knowledge and academic credentials, a University of Nottingham Malaysia degree may be the preferred path. 

However, if you're eager to enter the workforce expeditiously and specialise in a specific trade or profession, a diploma could be the right choice for you.


Can I complete a degree in one year?

Completing a degree in one year is typically not feasible for traditional undergraduate programmes. However, some universities offer accelerated or intensive programmes that allow students to earn a degree in a shorter time frame.

Can a diploma lead to further education opportunities?

Yes, many diploma programmes offer pathways to further education, including advanced diplomas, bachelor's degrees, and beyond. 

Some universities also offer credit transfers for diploma holders seeking to pursue higher degrees.

Is it possible to switch from a diploma to a degree programme later on?

Yes, it is possible to transition from a diploma to a degree programme, although specific requirements and transfer policies vary by institution. 

Many universities offer articulation agreements or credit transfers for diploma holders seeking to continue their education at the degree level.

Are there any industries where both degrees and diplomas are equally valued?

Yes, several industries value both degrees and diplomas based on the specific skill sets and competencies required for different roles. 

Examples include the information technology sector, creative industries such as graphic design, and vocational fields like culinary arts.


The choice between pursuing a degree or a diploma is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. While degrees offer a comprehensive education and broader career prospects, diplomas provide practical skills and a faster entry into the workforce. 

Ultimately, the best path for you will depend on your individual goals, aspirations, and circumstances. Whether you choose to pursue a degree or a diploma, remember that education is an investment in your future, and both paths can lead to fulfilling and successful careers.

Explore the scholarships available for our foundationundergraduate, and postgraduate courses. Also, remember to download our prospectus for detailed information about our programs!

This article aims to give an overview of Malaysia's education system for public understanding. However, it does not cover all aspects of the University of Nottingham Malaysia (UNM), so readers are encouraged to seek more information if necessary.

Posted on 14th March 2024

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