University of Nottingham Malaysia
News and Events

University launches new internal fellowship programme


HERMES Fellowships for Outreach, Innovation and Business Engagement

The University is launching a new internal Fellowship programme to support outreach, innovation and business engagement.

Fellowships are open to academic members of staff on all campuses and will fund a range of activities associated with outreach, innovation and business engagement, including buying out academic time to focus on achieving specific goals in these areas.

Funds of £500k per annum are available to support these fellowships and individual awards will range from £15k to £50k. As with all internal award programmes FEC will not apply. The programme will run from September 2011 to July 2014 with calls in September and January each year.

The programme is funded by the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) and activities supported by these awards must deliver against University of Nottingham HEIF targets.

More information to follow the launch event in the UK on September 14, the first call will be issued on 15th September 2011.


Posted on 9th September 2011

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