About the course
Learn German for travel, working abroad or just for fun with our German Beginners class. You will cover basic topics, useful for everyday conversation, including talking about yourself and your profession and making hotel or dinner reservations. You will be introduced to various language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing skills with group exercises and weekly homework) and how to approach some authentic materials. Some transferable skills will also be covered.
This course will give you a solid understanding of beginners German, working towards the GOETHE CERTIFICATE A1/2 of the Common European Framework Reference of languages, when it is combined with the beyond German 1.2 beginner course.
Also, if you wanted to join the elective German 1 modules but could not due to the limited seats, this is a good chance for you to come – and here you do not need to worry about tests! Follow steps to be able to do the final assignment at the end! Plus, watch some clips, and learn together, what fun will it be!
This course consists of 12 lessons. Each lesson includes a lecture, keywords, a sample audio/video conversation, a quiz, and supplementary materials (homework, worksheet and answer keys).
Do I have to do the homework?
We strongly recommend completing all the worksheets for each section. Research has shown that doing homework after learning a concept will help the student learn the material quicker.
Learning objectives
What will I get out of this course?
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Exchange simple greetings, introduce yourself
- Identify your personal documents
- Give personal information about family, job or studies
- Use numbers 1-100, express dates, time, prices
- Talk about the seasons of the year (weather)
- Order meal at a restaurant and talk to people you’ve just met
- Arrange time and place to meet
- Found your way around in the city
Expected Learning Outcomes
- To help develop a positive attitude towards language learning.
- To have successful experience in language learning.
- To encourage students to work productively and cooperatively.
- To give students control over their own learning.
Course content
- Lesson 1: Greetings and introductions, numbers until 20, German alphabet, (personal pronouns)
- Lesson 2: Talk about oneself and others, phone numbers and emails, (wh-questions, verbs)
- Lesson 3: Conversing about hobbies and the seasons, arrange to meet s.o., (Yes/No questions)
- Lesson 4: Personal information, occupation, days of the week, and numbers up to 1 Million
- Lesson 5: Visiting Hamburg, buildings & sights, modes of transport (definite & indefinite article)
- Lesson 6: Asking questions about locations, understanding route descriptions (imperative)
- Lesson 7: Planning a shopping trip, mealtimes, food and beverages vocab (vowels ä, ö, ü)
- Lesson 8: Conversations in the supermarket and during a meal, types of shops, (accusative)
- Lesson 9: Understanding and telling the time of day, making an appointment on the phone
- Lesson 10: Talking about one’s family, apologize for a delay, (prepositions of time, possessives)
- Lesson 11: Planning a party, understanding invitations, touristic activities (discontinuous verbs)
- Lesson 12: Ordering food in a restaurant (past tense of HABEN and SEIN verbs)
PDF files of textbooks, along with exercises (also PDF files) will be provided, and students are strongly recommended to do homework as the teacher instructs. Visual materials will also be provided. At the end of the course, students have to present on a topic (3-5 mins) in Korean as a final assignment.
Intake will be in
31 May 2021.
Registration needs to be done by 17 May 2021.
Payment period is from
18 to 29 May 2021.
Once paying the fee, students will need to provide the receipts.
It is strongly recommended
NOT TO pay before the teacher confirms the class to be offered.
6 weeks: 4 hours per week, 2 hours per lesson, every Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00 and Thursday 10:00 to 12:00
Fees are inclusive of all course teaching material & certificate of completion (All files are online format via email/MS Teams).
Email: Jean-Christophe Graffe at Jean-Christophe.Graffe@nottingham.edu.my
Correspondence Details
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
School of Media, Languages and Cultures (SMLC)
The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Jalan Broga
43500 Semenyih
Fax: +6(03) 8924 8012