The School of Economics and the School of Politics, History and International Relations jointly organised a career talk, titled ‘Charting Your Career Path as an Economics and/or Political Science Graduate’; the speaker was YB Dr Ong Kian Ming, the Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia on 29 November 2019.
The career talk aimed at providing information about potential career paths and internship opportunities to Economics and International Relations students.

YB Dr Ong Kian Ming delivering his talk, entitled ‘Charting Your Career Path as an Economics and/or Political Science Graduate.’ At the talk, Dr Ong Kian Ming shared, “Other than pursuing a postgraduate degree, career paths for economics graduates include roles in banking, business and financial consulting and the public sector.
With the growing number of think tanks and private equity firms in Malaysia, more employment opportunities are now available for economics graduates.”
He added that more good quality economists were needed for better business, economics and policy advisory services; for being more inclusive, more female economists should be hired.

YB Dr Ong Kian Ming sharing his thoughts on career and internship opportunities for Economics and International Relations students.Dr Ong Kian Ming also explained a few career opportunities for political science graduates, which are similar to those of for economics graduates.
He said, “Political risk analysis for investment is one area that you could pursue if you are into research. Corporate relations or government relations officers who would perform liaison and advisory functions could be a career for political graduates too; working for government representatives could be another path.
If you wish to join an international organisation such as UNESCO and the World Bank, getting a postgraduate degree and knowing multiple languages would be somethings that you need.”

Professor Deborah Hall, the Vice-Provost for Research and Knowledge Exchange, presenting a token of appreciation to YB Dr Ong Kian Ming. The event was concluded with Dr Ong Kian Ming’s sharing on internship opportunities, an interactive Q & A session and a presentation of token of appreciation.
Posted on 13th December 2019