This module aims to enable students to develop key skills in both written and oral communication. Its primary aims are to develop students’ communicative competence, critical thinking and interpersonal skills. Are Nottingham University students communicatively competent? This will be done through observing and providing written and verbal feedback to university teachers/lecturers. The module is expected to develop competencies that are crucial to enhance one’s opportunities in the workforce.
Aims and objective
This module aims to enable students to develop key competencies in written and verbal communication including the skills to:
- Observe professional practice in an objective and critical manner
- Provide constructive professional written and oral feedback
- Reflect on various forms of effective communication practice
- Communicate effectively in personal and professional settings
Target students
All students are welcome.
Module details
A two (2) hour introductory workshop which will cover the following:
- Appropriate and inappropriate ways to deliver feedback; the concept of a critical friend.
- Active listening.
- Boundaries of the student observer role.
- Issues of confidentiality.
A teacher evaluation workshop which will cover:
- Criteria for evaluating teaching; students will be familiarised with a simplified feedback form, and both closed and open form of feedback.
- Observation of teaching in order to implement the feedback form.
- The use of written feedback.
Note: At the end of this workshop, students will view a teaching video and be asked to look critically at one aspect of the teaching, prior to completing a sample feedback form. Students failing to provide constructive feedback in an appropriate manner will not be able to proceed with the remainder of this module.
Subsequently, students will be asked to observe two volunteer University lecturers from FASS during the course of the academic year. These observations will be conducted in pairs. Each observation will involve:
- Meeting the teacher/ lecturer in advance to discuss their aims for the lecture, workshop or tutorial.
- Observation of the teaching session.
- Create a constructive written feedback for both observations based on the aims discussed with the observed lecturers.
A meeting with the teacher/ lecturer will be held at the end to provide verbal and written feedback on the teaching session.
Students will be expected to keep field-notes containing their observations and reflections upon their experience. They will be asked to compare their activities under this module to the traditional ways of evaluating teaching (i.e. SEM and SET), analysing the difficulties and benefits they encountered in offering constructive feedback.
To apply for this module, you are required to join the briefing on 4 October 2017, Wednesday from 17:00 at F1A15.
By registering to accredit this module you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.