University of Nottingham Malaysia
School of Computer Science

Image of Bavani Ramayah

Bavani Ramayah

Assistant Professor,


  • workRoom BB19 Block B
    Malaysia Campus
    Jalan Broga
    43500 Semenyih
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
  • work+6 (03) 8924 8154


Ts.Dr Bavani is an Assistant Professor with Nottingham University Malaysia where she has been a faculty member since 2007. She obtained her PhD in Visual Informatics from National University of Malaysia(UKM) and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and MSc (Computer Science) degrees from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) Malaysia. She is a Professional Technologist under Malaysian Board of Technologist (MBOT) and a fellow of the Higher Education(FHEA) Academy UK. She is an active member in IEEE and appointed as the secretary of IEEE-Consumer Technology Malaysia Chapter. She was in the industry for the past four years as a programmer before being involved in the education field as a lecturer. Her current research interests are in the area of Human Computer Interaction and Teaching & Learning. She has authored journals, conference proceedings and serves as a reviewer in a number of journals.

Expertise Summary

  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Social Computing
  • Behavioural sciences
  • Physiological interaction
  • User experience (UX)
  • Emotional Design
  • Visually Impaired Users' related studies

Selected Publications

Past Research

An Accessible Voting System for Visually Impaired People

I have been doing research about visually impaired people by closely working with Malaysian Blind Association with a number of related publications. I have explored experiences and challenges faced by individuals with visual impairment during electoral event in Malaysia in order to provide an accessible voting environment that could protect the Rights of Persons with visually impairment. One of my initial research finding had been cited in a report titled "Inclusive Electoral Reforms in Malaysia" which was published in January 2020 by Bersih 2.0(Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections). The report recommended that the Election Commission needs to improve voting procedures so that voting is accessible to all eligible persons with disabilities.

Mental Model of Visually Impaired People in Complex Layout

In my past research I have investigated the unexplored interpretation issues by visual impaired (VI) users in web pages with multiple column layouts. A mental model was developed by integrating three main components such as layout design, navigation behavior and VI users' mental state. The research has established web design guidelines to improve quality of VI users' mental model. This research outcome provide insights into VI users' mental models for researchers, web designers, academics, educators, trainers, who want to have better understanding on how VI users who solely depend on screen readers navigate the web pages. The research considered as a new dimension in usability study which integrated bio signal tool particularly among VI users.

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8018

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