The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus welcomed CPA Australia Malaysia Division for a visit to the campus and to present book prizes to highest achievers in final-year financial accounting modules. CPA Australia also spent some time with the students explaining the CPA Australia qualification. Mr Gerald Fernandez, Senior Manager, Business Development, CPA Australia Malaysia Division presented the book prizes to the following recipients:
Advanced Financial Reporting - Ms Wong Sze Ming. Sze Ming is currently working in the Costing Department of an electronics manufacturing company listed on the Singapore Exchange. She was a recipient of the University's High Achievers' Scholarship throughout the three years of her studies at Nottingham. She had participated in the University's student exchange programme, spending her second year at the University's Campus in Ningbo, China. She is currently also pursuing the CPA examination.
Auditing, Governance and Scandals - Mr Vengadesh Jagatheeshwaran. Vengadesh is currently a PhD student and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Nottingham University Business School Malaysia Campus. His PhD is in the area of development economics. Vengadesh was awarded the CEO Tuition Fee Scholarship for the second and final years of his undergraduate degree.
Financial Analysis - Ms Le Minh Giang. Minh Giang returned to Vietnam after graduating in July 2009, and is currently attached to the Credit Department of HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City.
Pictured below are the recipients of the CPA Australia Book Prize Award, with our guest from CPA Australia and NUBS members of staff.
L-R: Mr Lee Chew Ging (Deputy Director, NUBS, Director of Undergraduate Programmes), Dr Subramaniam Pillay (Acting Director, NUBS), Representative of Ms Le Minh Giang, Mr Vengadesh Jagatheeshwaran, Representative of Ms Wong Sze Ming, Mr Gerald Fernandez (Senior Manager, Business Development, CPA Australia Malaysia Division). Not in photo: Ms Wong Sze Ming, Ms Le Minh Giang.

About CPA (Certified Practicing Accountant) Australia - CPA Australia is one of three professional accounting bodies in Australia. It is one of the world's largest accounting bodies with a membership of more than 122,000 finance, accounting and business professionals across the globe. Its international presence continues to grow in terms of representation on international bodies and influence in the profession globally. In the areas of financial reporting, taxation and corporate governance, it plays an important role in professional development and innovation, both in Australia and internationally. For more information about CPA Australia, please visit
Posted on 24th March 2010