University of Nottingham Malaysia
Nottingham University Business School

Creating a culture of innovation

Mr Azim Pawanchik will deliver a guest lecture to MBA students on 'Embracing Constraints to Innovate: Creating a Culture of Innovation'. Key areas to be covered include the following:

  • What is Innovation?
  • Do we really need to innovate?
  • Innovation 3.0: Constraints-Driven Innovation
  • The 4Cs of Innovation: Conception, Creation, Conversion & Connection
  • Creating a Culture to Innovate

Date: Sunday, 3 April 2011 (10.00am-12.00pm)
Venue: University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Kuala Lumpur Teaching Centre

Speaker's profile

Azim Pawanchik is the founder and Principal Consultant for Alpha Catalyst Consulting (ACC), a boutique innovation consulting company which he founded in 2000. Azim recently coauthored the book 'Leading InnovAsian: Embedding Innovation Culture in Malaysian Organizations'. He also initiated Project InnovAsian, a social innovation project aimed to increase the awareness of innovation and inculcate innovative culture & mindset amongst the corporate sector, public sector and university students. Azim has vast experience in culture change projects, mergers and acquisitions, organizational re-alignment and developing strategies for companies to innovate. Prior to founding ACC he worked for PPG, ICI and Alcom. He has consulted and worked with companies in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and in Middle East, such as Panasonic, DiGi, ABN AMRO, Shell, Technip, CCM, Petronas and many others. Azim received his MBA from Keele University (UK) and BSc (Hons) in Chemistry from University Malaya.

Posted on 3rd April 2011

Nottingham University Business School

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

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