Our Environment
The University recognises that it has a responsibility to the environment and that it interacts with a number of stakeholders. It is an educator of future generations, many of whom will assume leadership roles in a range of countries and activities.
We influence our students through our curriculum, teaching and research and also by their surroundings, the campus experience and through the leadership of the University.
Our principles
- All staff and students have some personal responsibility for the environmental impact of their actions while they participate in University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC) activities. The University will actively encourage a culture of environmental citizenship at an individual, group, and institutional level.
- The University will act collectively in an environmentally and socially responsible way, seeking to mitigate any adverse impacts of its activities.
- The University will meet and where appropriate exceed relevant legislation and regulatory requirements and utilize environmental best practice, while seeking best value for the University at all times.
Our purpose
Within Malaysia and the region, the University aspires to be an example of best practice in terms of environmental responsibility and will build on our research, teaching and operational excellence to achieve this.
The University overall is widely recognised for having a strong environment and sustainability research portfolio which pushes the boundaries of current research to develop new sustainable technologies. Our UK campuses have consistently received awards to recognise the quality of the environment and its commitment to sustainability. Recent capital programmes at our UK campuses have also been characterised by a strong focus on building efficiency in compliance with some of the highest levels of environmental excellence.
Recent accomplishments
UNMC established a dedicated Environmental Committee in 2011. Under the leadership of this Committee, significant progress has been made with respect to promoting recycling across campus. Through routine building maintenance work, building management systems have been refined to reduce energy consumption, particularly in relation to air-conditioning. A sustainable print service is under development which will impact significantly on paper consumption and staff are being actively encouraged to make best use of available technology solutions to reduce paper use.
As an international campus, staff and student mobility is key to our core business and their travel and transport are significant contributors to the University’s environmental impact.
As the University expands, in terms of physical size, the number of students, and the types and intensity of research we carry out, we will see increasing energy and water demands. It is vital we assess the environmental impact of expansion.
The campus location and limited public transport facilities will present significant challenges in relation to the University’s carbon footprint and desire to reduce the overall carbon footprint.
Aims and objectives
Below are our major aims. Beneath each are the main objectives and activities we will focus on to ensure we achieve our aims by 2020.
- Improve the environmental performance of our buildings and the University’s physical infrastructure:
- Systematically reduce resource consumption and increase recycling through best practice environmental management and cultural change
- Actively promote and encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport across the University, acknowledging the campus location, business needs, the University’s research focus and its internationalisation agenda
- Promote and encourage the use of technology to reduce the environmental impact of University operations and activities
- Develop, operate and maintain IT services and facilities in a sustainable manner, meeting and where practicable exceeding industry standards, seeking best value for the University at all times
- Develop a specific carbon reduction plan for UNMC by 2014
- Harness the University’s research and teaching strength to improve its environmental performance and advance the environmental agenda:
- Ensure a breadth of understanding of environmental sustainability both within the curriculum and through co-curricular activity
- Provide staff and students with information about the environmental sustainability of our operations, and include it in our teaching
- Encourage postgraduate research in environmental sustainability and create stronger links between campus operations and our own research
- Include environmental sustainability among the review criteria in the course approval process, and promote modules covering the subject
Dr Svenja Hanson, Chair of Environment Committee UNMC
Ms Sandy Loke, Director of Estates, UNMC
Mr Chris Jagger, Chief Estates and Facilities Officer
UNMC Management Board Owner
Professor Christine Ennew, Provost, UNMC
Measuring success
Performance targets