Sexual Citizenship In Conflict: A Public Lecture by Pang Khee Teik
The Centre for the Study of Communications & Culture (CSCC) presents a lecture on Sexual Citizenship in Conflict: A Public Lecture by Pang Khee Teik.
The banning of sexuality rights festival Seksualiti Merdeka in Malaysia in 2011 set the stage not just for resistance from the government but also from some who were part of the purported constituency of the movement, namely Malaysian gays. Through a discourse analysis of how marginalised sexual subjects perform citizenship norms, this dissertation asks: What is the nature of the disagreement between gay Malaysians in the context of their political investment in a discourse of belonging? Pang argues that different modes of citizenship have been structured by the racialised politics of Malaysia, tendering different citizenship statuses to different citizens while socialising marginal sexual subjects into adopting these scripts. Ultimately, the resulting counterdiscourses are productive in creating platforms upon which sexual citizens negotiate and represent their complex subjectivities.
Date: Monday, 10 November 2014
Time: 11:00 to 12:30
Venue: F1A23 The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Jalan Broga 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan
About the Speaker:
Pang Khee Teik is a Malaysian arts consultant, activist, curator, photographer, and writer. In 2008, together with fellow activists and artists, he co-founded sexuality rights festival Seksualiti Merdeka as a multi-arts platform for discussion and expression on issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and human rights in Malaysia. It was subsequently banned by the police in 2011.
Pang was formerly the arts programme director of The Annexe Gallery and editor of arts website In 2010, he received the Cross Cultural Champion of the Arts Award at the Boh Cameronian Arts Awards. Presently he is leading a small team called The Special Bunch to organise arts-activism events, projects and campaigns.
Under the Chevening Scholarship, Pang recently graduated with an MA in Gender & Sexuality from Birkbeck, University of London, where he received the Dissertation prize for Gender & Sexuality studies at Birkbeck (2013). He will be speaking about his dissertation, Sexual Citizenship in Conflict: Sexual rights activists in Malaysia and the gays who resist them.
The event will consist of a presentation followed by Q&A. Free admission. All are welcome.
Registration and enquiry.