University of Nottingham Malaysia
Nottingham University Business School

Image of Jason Yoong Hon Lee

Jason Yoong Hon Lee

Associate Professor of Business Economics;Divisional Director of Business Analytics & Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences


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Teaching Summary

Dr. Lee's teaching interests are in the areas of Business Economics and Economics of Strategy. He currently teaches Firm Strategy & Internationalisation at undergraduate level, Business Economics… read more

Research Summary

Dr. Lee's research interest lies in the field of efficiency and productivity analysis. He employs the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) in most of his… read more

Selected Publications

Dr. Lee's teaching interests are in the areas of Business Economics and Economics of Strategy. He currently teaches Firm Strategy & Internationalisation at undergraduate level, Business Economics at post-graduate level, and Research Design & Philosophy at PhD level.

Current Research

Dr. Lee's research interest lies in the field of efficiency and productivity analysis. He employs the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) in most of his research work. Currently, his work is mostly targeted at the utilities sector.

  • LEE, Y.H., 2024. Hollywood’s current game plan: it’s the IP and not the actor Journal of Media Business Studies. 21(2), 133-145
  • LEE Y.H., 2024. Innovating, Differentiating and Copying: Deciphering the Big Conundrum in Music Copyright European Intellectual Property Review. 46(4), 210-220
  • LEE Y.H., 2024. AI in the movie industry: Should actors and writers be concerned? Entertainment Law Review. 35(5), 182-188
  • LEE Y.H. and LIM, R.S.Y., 2023. Consumption Patterns and Returns in the US DVD market Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal. 17(2), 168-182
  • LEE Y.H., 2023. The Audio Compact Disc: A Business History Case Essays in Economics & Business History. 41, 55-79
  • LEE Y.H., 2023. Efficiency in Film Distribution International Journal of the Economics of Business. 30(3), 273-292
  • LEE Y.H., 2023. The Trouble with Music Streaming: Should Regulators Be Concerned? European Intellectual Property Review. 45(8), 454-462
  • WAN, S., LEE Y.H. and SARMA, V.J., 2023. Is Fintech good for green finance? Empirical evidence from listed banks in China Economic Analysis and Policy. 80(Dec. 2023), 1273-1291
  • LEE Y.H. and M.R. SALIM, 2022. Revisiting George Michael v Sony: A Case Analysis from the Economics Lens Entertainment Law Review. 33(3), 93-97
  • LEE Y.H. and LIM, R.S.Y., 2022. Efficacy in COVID-19 management: the case of ASEAN Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy. 16(4), 613-626
  • LIM, R.S.Y. and LEE Y.H., 2022. The Efficacy of Bitcoin as an Investment and Diversification Tool International Journal of Business & Economics. 21(2), 91-104
  • PARINDURI, R.A., LEE, Y.H. and TIONG, K.M., 2019. The effects of bigger rewards in individual tournaments on efforts and risk taking: Evidence from Chess Oxford Economic Papers. 71(4), 979-995.
  • LEE, Y.H. and R.S.Y. LIM, 2019. "Assessing Malaysia’s Creative Industry: Progress and Policies in the case of the Film Industry" Creativity Studies. 12(2), 224-245
  • LEE Y.H. and R.S.Y. LIM, 2018. At the Movies: Some stylized facts on investment returns and consumption patterns International Journal of Business and Economics. 17(2), 123-142
  • LEE, Y.H. and PARINDURI, R.A., 2016. Does the Three-point Rule Make Soccer more Exciting? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design Journal of Sports Economics. 17(4), 377-395
  • LEE Y.H., TAN H.B. and C. LEE, 2016. Technical Efficiency in the Malaysian water sector: A stochastic frontier approach Journal of Developing Areas. 50(3), 149-165
  • LEE Y.H. and TAN H.B., 2015. Technical Efficiency in the Malaysian Water Sector: A Stochastic Frontier Approach In: The 44th Australian Conference of Economists (ACE 2015), QUT Gardens Point Brisbane, Australia, 7-10 July 2015..
  • LEE Y.H., H.B. TAN and C. LEE, 2014. Productivity, Efficiency and Privatization in the Malaysian Water Industry Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (formerly ASEAN Economic Bulletin). 31(2), 292-312
  • WONG M.F., TAN H.B. and LEE, Y.H., 2014. Efficiency and Productivity Gains in Knowledge-Based Production: The Case of East Asian Economies Economic Studies journal. 2, 122-143.
  • LEE, Y.H., TAN, H.B. and CASSEY LEE, 2014. Efficiency and Deregulation in the Malaysian Electricity Sector Energy Studies Review. 21(1), 40-61
  • WONG, M.F., TAN, H.B. and LEE, Y.H., 2014. Firm-specific characteristics and technical efficiency of electronics manufacturing firms in China Review of Applied Economics. 10, 99-113
  • WONG M. F., TAN, H.B. and Y.H.LEE, 2014. “Firm-specific characteristics and technical efficiency of electronics manufacturing firms in China” In: International Conference on Business Strategy and Social Sciences, 16-17 August 2014, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
  • WONG M.F., TAN H.B. and Y.H. LEE, 2014. “Efficiency and Productivity Gains in Knowledge-Based Production: The Case of East Asian Economies” In: 4th European Asian Economics, Finance, Econometrics and Accounting conference, Penang, Malaysia, September 3-6, 2014.
  • LEE Y.H. and R.PARINDURI, 2013. Did the Three-Point Rule Make Soccer More Exciting? Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design In: The Singapore Economic Review Conference 2013.
  • LEE Y.H., 2013. The Greatest Era of the UK Pop Music Industry: An Efficiency Perspective Popular Music History. 8(3), 289-306
  • LEE Y. H., C. LEE & H.B.TAN, 2012. An Analysis on the Development of Malaysia’s Telecommunications Sector The Empirical Economics Letters. 11(1), January 2012.
  • LEE Y.H., LEE, C. & H.B. TAN, 2012. Efficiency in Malaysia’s Electricity Sector In: The 41st Australian Conference of Economists, Melbourne Australia.
  • LEE Y.H. , CHEAH E.T. AND L.Y. KOAY, 2011. "Efficiency in the Malaysian Banking Industry" ASEAN Economic Bulletin. 28(1), 16-44
  • LEE Y.H. , H.B. TAN & C. LEE, 2011. “Malaysia’s Telecommunications Sector: An Efficiency and Productivity Analysis” In: The 2011 Australasian Meetings of the Econometric Society (ESAM), The University of Adelaide.
  • LEE YOONG HON, MAGENDRAN P. PALANIANDY & TAN HUI BOON, 2011. Transforming Bad Debt to Cash Flow Banker’s Journal Malaysia. 23-30
  • LEE Y. H. and TAN H.B. AND C. LEE, 2010. Malaysia Telecommunications Sector’s Privatization The Empirical Economics Letters. 9(8), 811-818
  • LEE YOONG HON, 2010. “Experts versus Audience’s Opinions: Power at the Box-Office” In: Oxford Economic and Business 2010 Conference, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. (In Press.)
  • LEE YOONG HON, 2009. Problems and Stress among Foreign Students in an International Campus International Journal of Learning. 16(4), 361-380
  • LEE YOONG HON, 2009. “Problems and Stress among Foreign Students in an International Campus” In: The 16th International Conference on Learning, University of Barcelona, 2009. (In Press.)
  • LEE Y.H. and C. LEE, 2009. “Efficiency in the Malaysian water industry: A DEA and Regression Analysis” In: 17th Annual Conference of the European Association Of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE).
  • C. LEE, LEE Y.H and AND CHEAH C.W, 2008. Spectrum Size and Network Cost In: Research Collaboration Steering Meeting 2008, Spectrum Research Collaboration Program with Institutions of Higher Learning, 12 April 2008. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commissions. (In Press.)
  • CHEAH, E. T. AND LEE, Y. H., 2008. A Note on the General Elections and Long Memory: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange Applied Financial Economics Letters. 4(4-6), 331-335
  • C. LEE, LEE Y.H and AND CHEAH C.W., 2008. Issue of Spectrum Cost versus Network Cost In: Spectrum Research Colloquium Meeting 2008, Spectrum Research Collaboration Program With Institutions of Higher Learning, 19 December 2008 Putrajaya Marriot, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commissions. (In Press.)
  • LEE Y. H. AND C. LEE, 2008. Efficiency in the Malaysian Water Industry: A Statistical, DEA and Stochastic Frontier Analysis In: The 4th IWA Young Water Professionals Conference, University of California, Berkeley, SA.
  • LEE, Y. H and CHEAH E. T. AND L.Y. KOAY, 2007. The Size Effect on the Efficiency of Malaysian Banks: A DEA Analysis Approach In: Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis IESEG School of Management, Lille, France 2007.
  • WAHYUNI, S. AND LEE Y.H., 2007. Managing Spill-over of Control in Alliances between Competing Firms Journal of Indonesian Economic and Business. 22(3),
  • S. WAHYUNI & LEE Y.H., 2006. Managing Spillover of Control in Alliances between Competing Firms In: AIB-UK 2006 Conference in Manchester, UK.
  • E. T. CHEAH & LEE Y.H., 2005. A Note on the General Elections and Long Memory: Evidence from the London In: 3rd International Management Conference (IMC 2005), Tehran, Iran.

Nottingham University Business School

University of Nottingham Malaysia
Jalan Broga, 43500 Semenyih
Selangor Darul Ehsan

telephone: +6 (03) 8924 8000
fax: +6 (03) 8924 8019

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